2022年6月8日 星期三

Apple 正在將你的 iPhone 轉變為金融科技服務,以接受 PayPal、Affirm 等

Apple is turning your iPhone into fintech service taking on PayPal, Affirm and more



  • 蘋果計劃在今年秋季推出新的 iPhone 軟件 iOS 16 時擴展其金融科技產品。
  • 該公司在周一的年度開發者大會上宣布了錢包應用程序的新功能,例如立即購買,稍後付款服務。
  • 新功能旨在吸引更多人使用 Apple Pay,並將客戶鎖定在 iOS 生態系統中。
  • Key Points
    • Apple plans to expand its fintech offerings when it launches the new iPhone software, iOS 16, this fall.
    • The company announced new features for the wallet app such as a buy now, pay later service at its annual developers conference Monday.
    • The new features are designed to attract more people to Apple Pay and keep customers locked into the iOS ecosystem.


    該公司週一在其開發者大會上宣布了 iPhone 錢包應用程序的幾項新功能,這些新功能直接與 AffirmPayPal等其他金融科技公司的產品競爭最重要的是:現在購買,以後付款服務稱為 Apple Pay Later。該公告導致 Affirm 股價週一下跌超過 5%,截至週二上午又下跌了 4%。

    蘋果還將在本月晚些時候推出一個新的支付系統,讓你可以通過用你的 iPhone 對著他們的 iPhone 來付款。它是Block ’s Square的直接競爭對手。iOS 16 中的 Wallet 可讓您跟踪通過 Apple Pay 購買的在線訂單。

    所有這些都指向 Apple 生態系統中最有趣的角落之一——錢包應用程序中不斷增長的金融產品套件。其中許多功能並非旨在直接為 Apple 賺錢,但它們確實使 Apple Pay 對尚未嘗試過的人更具吸引力。(Apple 在每筆 Apple Pay 交易中只佔很小的比例,因此使用它的人越多,它對 Apple 的好處就越大。)與大多數主要的 iOS 新功能一樣,它也是讓客戶鎖定 Apple 生態系統併升級到新系統的另一種機制準備好後的 iPhone。



    Apple 對 Wallet 有更長遠的願景。隨著公司週一公佈了最新功能,高管們表示,最終目標是讓數字錢包應用程序取代你實體錢包中的所有東西。

    但在某些領域,事情進展緩慢,例如去年推出的允許您添加駕駛執照的功能,該功能僅在美國的幾個州提供,預計很快還會增加一些。即便如此,您也只能在鳳凰城一個機場的 TSA 檢查站使用該 ID。汽車製造商也遲遲沒有採用 iOS 功能,該功能可讓您在手機上存儲數字版本的車鑰匙。

    不過,Apple 昨天告訴我,人們對緩慢採用的擔憂不大。希望是消費者需求推動第三方採用該技術。

    然而,在金融科技方面,Apple 正在建立一個基礎,通過將更多功能分層到 Apply Pay 和 Wallet 中來推動其支付業務,而不僅僅是使用你的 iPhone,而不是你的信用卡來支付費用。由於 Apple 擁有超過 10 億台設備的規模,更多的人將接觸到這些產品。

    Apple is turning into a fintech company.

    The company announced several new features for the iPhone’s Wallet app at its developers conference Monday that directly compete with products from other fintech companies such as Affirm and PayPal. The big one: a buy now, pay later service called Apple Pay Later. That announcement sent Affirm shares down more than 5% Monday, and they were down an additional 4% as of Tuesday morning.

    Apple will also launch a new payments system later this month that lets you pay someone by tapping your iPhone against theirs. It’s a direct competitor to Block’s Square. And Wallet in iOS 16 will let you track online orders you buy through Apple Pay.

    All of this points to one of the most interesting corners of the Apple ecosystem — a growing suite of financial products within the Wallet app. Many of these features aren’t designed to make money for Apple directly, but they do make Apple Pay more attractive for people who haven’t tried it yet. (Apple takes a tiny percentage of every Apple Pay transaction, so the more people using it, the better it is for Apple.) Like most major new iOS features, it’s also another mechanism to keep customers locked into Apple’s ecosystem and upgrading to a new iPhone when they’re ready.

    But Apple’s new Wallet features are also coming at a time of great economic uncertainty. Inflation is still going wild. Gas prices continue to hit record highs. And there are plenty of very real fears about an upcoming recession. It could be a tough time for Apple to launch a new product designed to get people to buy more stuff if those trends persist throughout the year.

    Apple’s new rivals in the buy now, pay later space have struggled in recent months as consumer spending shifts from goods to services. Other fintech and crypto companies such as Robinhood, PayPal and Coinbase have struggled this year as well.

    Apple has a longer-term vision for Wallet. As the company revealed the latest features Monday, executives said the ultimate goal is for the digital Wallet app to replace everything in your physical wallet.

    But things are moving slowly in some areas, such as last year’s feature that lets you add your driver’s license, which is available in just a couple of states in the U.S., and with a few more expected soon. Even then, you can use the ID only at TSA checkpoints at one airport in Phoenix. Carmakers have also been slow to adopt the iOS feature that lets you store a digital version of your car key on your phone.

    Still, Apple told me yesterday there’s little concern over that slow adoption. The hope is consumer demand pushes third parties to adopt the technology.

    On the fintech side, however, Apple is building a foundation to provide a boost to its payments business by layering more functions into Apply Pay and Wallet beyond just using your iPhone, instead of your credit card, to pay for things. And because of Apple’s scale with more than a billion devices in use, a lot more people are about to be exposed to these products.




