2022年6月18日 星期六



 Stressed and burned out? Quitting your job may not help


The Great Resignation is set to continue, and young and burned out workers will be leading the charge.

That’s according to the Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and millennial survey.

Burnout was cited as one of the top three reasons for why young people are leaving their jobs, according to the global survey which found that some 40% of Gen Zers (ages 19-24) and 24% of millennials (ages 28-39) would like to leave their jobs within two years.


This will continue to be “a significant retention issue for employers,” Deloitte wrote, as some 46% of Gen Zers and 45% of millennials surveyed said they feel burned out due to their work environments.

It may feel to us like the only way to escape the hold work has on us is by doing something dramatic, like leaving our current position altogether.

Vanessa Bohns


While experts told CNBC Make It burnout is felt “across the board” regardless of age, Gen Zers and millennials are more likely to feel the pain.

As the labor shortage continues, employees are taking on more responsibilities at work, which impedes on their work-life balance and flexibility. This is a big red flag for younger generations,” said Dr. Natalie Baumgartner, a workplace psychologist and behavioral expert. 

“By looking for what’s missing in their current role, younger generations are hopeful to find a better culture and flexibility fit, which in their mind, could help alleviate their current state of burnout.”

But is leaving one’s job really the best solution to burnout? CNBC Make It finds out.

Quitting is not a ‘cure-all’

Leaving your job may be the best solution in some situations, for example, if the workplace culture is toxic, said Dr. Katrina Gisbert-Tay, a medical doctor trained in psychology and wellbeing coach with The Coach Partnership.

However, quitting is the only or best option “less often than we think,” said Vanessa Bohns, a professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University.

“It may feel to us like the only way to escape the hold work has on us is by doing something dramatic, like leaving our current position altogether.”

Bohns added: “In many cases, there is more we can do to change our current circumstances than we realize.”

…never underestimate a company that will listen, recognize and promote change to improve areas of employee dissatisfaction.

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner


“We might assume certain requests — a more flexible work schedule, shorter weeks, a sabbatical, or just a long vacation — are non-starters at our current job, and so the only way to really change our situation is to leave it for a completely new one.”

Bohns, who is also the author of “You Have More Influence Than You Think,” attributed high levels of burnout to technology, which she said has tethered people to work at all hours and “the idea that we have to … prioritize work over all else.”

“The problem is that these norms are so widespread that employees may find themselves in a new job, right back in the same kind of situation they were trying to leave.”The ‘Great Resignation’ is global – and it’s shaken the labor market for good

Instead, employees should consider what boundaries they can set for themselves, Gisbert-Tay added. ”[Quitting] feels like the easy way … rather than to really figure out what is going on.”

“No matter what industry, job you have, you may have the same scenario. The question that I ask my clients is where is your personal agency? What are the requests that you need to make? How are you going to take care of yourself?”

“For me, those are more powerful questions than asking, ‘Should I quit this job?’” 

Ways to recover from burnout 

Rather than taking the signs of burnout as an indication to leave your job, here are some tips to consider without making the switch:

1. Make new arrangements 

If you are feeling burned out and want to quit your job, Bohns advised thinking about arrangements that would “make you happier at your current position” and ask for them.

According to her research with more than 14,000 participants, she found that people tend to have an “overly pessimistic view” of how likely people are to comply with requests.

“If you’re already willing to leave, there’s not much to lose, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the response,” Bohns said. 

Feeling burnt out? Think of work arrangements that would make you happier at your current position and ask for them, said Vanessa Bohns, a organizational behavior professor at Cornell University.

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Baumgartner also stressed that young workers “must advocate and voice for their needs” at their workplace, instead of “throwing in the towel.” 

“Identify solutions and opportunities to share feedback, to partner with leadership and human resources on addressing root issues that may resolve the desire to leave.”  

She added: “They may still choose to go but never underestimate a company that will listen, recognize and promote change to improve areas of employee dissatisfaction.” 

2. Know your limits

According to Gisbert-Tay, an important part of drawing boundaries is being “intentional” in discovering your personal limits. 

“For example, what is your stop time? There will be times when your boss needs something at 7 a.m. the next day … but it’s knowing, when does it become too much for you?”

She added that the limit is different for everyone and it will change from time to time. 

“What you need right now in the current situation may not be what you need six months down the road.”

Proactive recovery, through activities like seeing friends, spending time in nature, and accomplishing personal goals combats burnout by re-energizing us.

Vanessa Bohns


To cope with feeling overwhelmed at work, Gisbert-Tay also advised young workers to take stock of their time. 

“Taking 30 minutes to go through your schedule, listing out the things you need to prioritize, that’s really important. You may have a million things on your schedule, but there’s going to be a top five. 

3. Proactive recovery

Another thing to be intentional about: taking breaks from work and using that time to engage in “proactive recovery,” said Bohns. 

“Burnout makes us feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Proactive recovery, through activities like seeing friends, spending time in nature, and accomplishing personal goals combats burnout by re-energizing us.” 

For Gisbert-Tay, sleep is “the mother of health” and getting enough of it is a big antidote to burnout. 

“The journey of your day begins the night before and that makes a huge impact on your mood, energy levels, clarity and how you make decisions.”



這是根據德勤全球 2022 Z 世代和千禧一代調查得出的。

全球調查顯示,職業倦怠被認為是年輕人離職的三大原因之一,該調查發現約 40% Z 世代(19-24 歲)和 24% 的千禧一代(28-39 歲)想在兩年內離職。




德勤寫道,這將繼續是雇主的一個重要保留問題,因為約 46% Z 世代和 45% 的接受調查的千禧一代表示,他們因工作環境而感到筋疲力盡。






儘管專家告訴 CNBC,無論年齡大小,全面都會感到倦怠,但 Z 世代和千禧一代更有可能感受到這種痛苦。



但離職真的是解決倦怠的最好辦法嗎?CNBC Make It 發現。




The Coach Partnership 接受過心理學和健康教練培訓的醫生 Katrina Gisbert-Tay 博士說,在某些情況下,離開工作可能是最好的解決方案,例如,如果工作場所文化有害。



Bohns 補充說:在許多情況下,我們可以做的事情比我們意識到的要多得多。








Bohns 也是《你比你想像的更有影響力》一書的作者,她將高度的倦怠歸因於技術,她說技術束縛了人們隨時隨地工作,以及我們必須……優先考慮工作的想法。別的。




Gisbert-Tay 補充說,相反,員工應該考慮他們可以為自己設定什麼界限。“[退出] 感覺像是一種簡單的方法……而不是真正弄清楚發生了什麼。








如果您感到筋疲力盡並想辭職,Bohns 建議您考慮一下讓您在當前職位上更快樂的安排並提出要求。

根據她對 14,000 多名參與者的研究,她發現人們往往對人們遵守請求的可能性有過度悲觀的看法

如果你已經願意離開,那麼就沒有什麼可失去的了,而且你可能會對反應感到驚喜,Bohns 說。 

感覺筋疲力盡?康奈爾大學組織行為學教授瓦內薩·博恩斯 (Vanessa Bohns) 說,想想那些能讓你在當前職位上更快樂的工作安排,並提出要求










2. 了解你的極

根據 Gisbert-Tay 的說法,劃定界限的一個重要部分是有意識地發現你的個人極限。 

例如,你的停止時間是什麼時候?有時你的老闆會在第二天早上 7 點需要一些東西……但它知道,什麼時候對你來說太過分了?






為了應對工作中的不堪重負,Gisbert-Tay 還建議年輕員工好好把握自己的時間。 

30 分鐘來完成你的日程安排,列出你需要優先考慮的事情,這非常重要。你的日程表上可能有一百萬件事情,但會有前五名。 




3. 主動恢

另一件需要注意的事情是:從工作中休息並利用這段時間進行主動康復Bohns 說。 


對於 Gisbert-Tay 來說,睡眠是健康之母,充足的睡眠是消除倦怠的一大良藥。 



