2021年6月20日 星期日



  • “很明顯,方舟投資現像不再起作用,”CNBC 的吉姆克萊默週五表示。
  • “Mad Money”主持人將其歸因於 Ark Invest 的基金家族最近經歷的資金外流。
  • “我們沒有看到大量資金流出,但我認為,凱茜伍德用她自己的購買火箭筒支撐這些股票的時代已經結束,”克萊默說。
  • CNBC 的吉姆克萊默週五表示,方舟投資的股票波動影響似乎正在減弱——至少目前是這樣。

    Ark Invest 的交易所交易基金家族是去年華爾街表現最好的基金之一,但在 2021 年表現不佳,因為投資者從高增長股票轉向經濟復甦。

    這位“瘋狂理財”主持人表示,由於明星理財經理凱西伍德的公司經營的基金陷入困境,流出的金額開始回升。Cramer 說,這對作為 ETF 組成部分的股票產生了影響。



    Cramer 指出,隨著成長股重新受到青睞,方舟的旗艦方舟創新ETF 最近開始表現更好事實上,該基金在過去 5 天上漲了約 2.4%,而標準普爾 500 指數相比之下下跌了 1.9%。

    ARK Innovation在 6 月 7 日至 11 日期間上漲了 6%


    “也許如果這群人繼續攀登,Cathie Wood 可以拿回她的火箭筒,但在那之前,‘WoodStocks’將自行上升或下降。”

    CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Friday that Ark Invest’s stock-moving influence appears to be waning — at least for now.

    Ark Invest’s family of exchange-traded funds were some of the best performers on Wall Street last year, but have not fared well in 2021 as investors rotated away from high-growth stocks and into economic recovery plays.


    The “Mad Money” host said as the funds run by star money manager Cathie Wood’s firm struggled, the amount of outflows started to pick up. That has implications for the stocks that are components of the ETFs, Cramer said.

    “It seems pretty clear that the Ark Invest phenomenon is no longer in play,” Cramer said. “We’re not seeing major outflows here, but the era of Cathie Wood propping these stocks up with her own buying bazooka, I think, it appears to be over.”

    The opposite was true last year as investors started to notice how well Wood’s family of funds was performing, Cramer said, leading the firm to see a massive wave of inflows and new firepower to deploy into the market.

    Cramer noted that Ark’s flagship ARK Innovation ETF have started to perform better recently as growth stocks returned to favor. Indeed, the fund is up about 2.4% over the past 5 days, while the S&P 500, by comparison, is down 1.9%.

    ARK Innovation also rose 6% between June 7 and June 11.

    “Here’s the bottom line: when you look at the fund flows, Ark Invest’s no longer propping up the turbo-charged growth stocks, which makes their recent rebound feel a lot more significant to me,” Cramer said.

    “Maybe if this group keeps climbing, Cathie Wood can get her bazooka back, but until then the ‘WoodStocks’ will rise or fall on their own.”




