2022年5月26日 星期四

衛星圖像公司 Maxar、Planet 和 BlackSky 獲得了“數十億美元”的政府合同


Satellite imagery firms Maxar, Planet and BlackSky awarded 

‘billions of dollars’ in government contracts

  Key Points

  • The NRO on Wednesday announced contracts worth “billions of dollars” over the next decade to a trio of satellite imagery companies: Maxar, Planet and BlackSky.
  • The U.S. intelligence agency touted the contracts as “a historic expansion” of its acquisition strategy,
  • The NRO award comes under its Electro-Optical Commercial Layer program, which the intelligence agency says will support over half-a-million federal users over the next decade.

The National Reconnaissance Office on Wednesday announced contracts worth “billions of dollars” over the next decade to a trio of satellite imagery companies: Maxar, Planet and BlackSky.

Maxar, in a securities filing, said its 10-year EOCL contract is worth up to $3.24 billion – with a five year base contract of $1.5 billion and optional contracts worth up to $1.74 billion.

NRO touted the contracts as “a historic expansion” of its acquisition strategy, noting that the increasing availability of commercial companies’ imagery “increases our resilience and enables an integrated approach” to national security. The NRO is the U.S. agency that manages a breadth of satellite intelligence capabilities, including operating its own classified satellites.

BlackSky shares jumped as much as 69% in trading while Planet’s rose 10% and Maxar’s climbed 14%, from the stocks’ previous closes of $1.18 a share, $5.02 a share, and $24.48 a share, respectively.

The NRO award comes under its Electro-Optical Commercial Layer, or EOCL, program, which the intelligence agency says will support over half-a-million federal users over the next decade.

The EOCL deal has been long-awaited, with Maxar previously serving as the NRO’s sole provider of commercially-acquired satellite imagery. While Maxar may be losing a lucrative monopoly, Wall Street analysts do not expect the new competition to hurt the company – with the total addressable market for satellite imagery having grown.





·        NRO 週三宣佈在未來十年與三個衛星圖像公司:MaxarPlanet BlackSky 簽訂價值數十億美元的合同。

·        美國情報機構將這些合同吹捧為其收購戰略的歷史性擴張

NRO 獎項來自其電光商業層計劃,情報機構稱該計劃將在未來十年內支持超過 50 萬聯邦用戶。週三,美國國家偵察局宣布了未來十年與三大衛星圖像公司的價值數十億美元的合同:MaxarPlanetBlackSky

Maxar 在一份證券備案文件中表示,其 10 年期 EOCL 合同價值高達 32.4 億美元——其中 5 年期基礎合同價值 15 億美元,可選合同價值高達 17.4 億美元。

NRO 將這些合同吹捧為其收購戰略的歷史性擴張,並指出商業公司形象的日益普及增強了我們的應變能力,並為國家安全提供了一種綜合方法NRO 是管理廣泛的衛星情報能力的美國機構,包括運營自己的機密衛星。

BlackSky 股價在交易中上漲了 69%Planet 上漲 10%Maxar 上漲 14%,之前的收盤價分別為每股 1.18 美元、5.02 美元和 24.48 美元。NRO 獎項來自其電光商業層 (EOCL) 計劃,該情報機構表示,該計劃將在未來十年內支持超過 50 萬的聯邦用戶。

期待已久的 EOCL 交易,Maxar 此前是 NRO 商業獲取的衛星圖像的唯一提供商。儘管 Maxar 可能正在失去利潤豐厚的壟斷地位,但華爾街分析師並不認為新的競爭會損害該公司——衛星圖像的總目標市場已經增長。
