2022年5月25日 星期三

億萬富翁參戰!埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)通過吹捧聲稱微軟大亨向針對他的“黑錢基金”投入數百萬美元的文章加深了與比爾·蓋茨的爭執



·        Elon Musk on Tuesday deepened his feud with rival billionaire Bill Gates

·        Musk responded 'sigh' to an article claiming Gates funded attacks on him

·        It is the latest blow in war of words between two of the world's richest people

·        Gates recently said Musk's Twitter takeover could make misinformation 'worse'

·        Musk dissed Gates' belly by posting a photo comparing him to pregnant man

Elon Musk has deepened his feud with fellow billionaire Bill Gates, tweeting in response to an article claiming that Gates is funding his critics.

Musk on Tuesday tweeted 'sigh' in response to a link to a Breitbart article claiming that Gates' foundation donated 'hundreds of millions of dollars' to numerous groups behind a campaign pushing advertisers to boycott Twitter if Musk takes over.


The article says the Gates Foundation donated to 11 of the 26 signatories of an open letter pushing the boycott, distributing the cash through the New Venture Fund and the Tides Foundation, which have been characterized as 'dark money' groups.

It follows an escalating feud between Musk and Gates, who recently criticized the Tesla CEO's plan to buy Twitter for $44 billion.

Musk has also accused Gates of taking a large position betting against Tesla stock, and chided the Microsoft creator's zaftig figure by comparing him to an emoji of a pregnant man. 


Gates said last month that while Musk has a good record as a businessman, he could make misinformation on Twitter worse if he completes his takeover as planned. 

'He actually could make it worse,' Gates said. 'That's not his track record. His track record with Tesla and Space X is pretty mind-blowing at putting together a great team of engineers and taking people who work in those fields in a less bold way and really showing them up. I kind of doubt that'll happen this time but we should have an open mind and never underestimate Elon.' 

But Gates did question Musk's intentions with the app. 

The South African-born billion has said his purchase of Twitter is motivated primarily by a wish to restore the app as a place for the free exchange of ideas, and has repeatedly said he wants to move away from 'censorship' and err on the side of free speech.

Musk, who calls himself a free speech absolutist, has criticized Twitter's moderation policies.

'You know, what's his goal?' Gates asked. 'When he talks about the openness, how does he feel about something such as "vaccines kill people" or that "Bill Gates is tracking people" is that one of the things he feels should be spread? So it's not totally clear what he is going to do.'

'Are his goals for what it ends up being, does it match this idea of less extreme falsehoods spreading so quickly, weird conspiracy theories, does he share that goal or not?' Gates pondered. 

Last month Musk dissed Gates' gut on Twitter posting a photo of the Microsoft mogul alongside Apple's controversial pregnant man emoji 'in case you need to kill a boner.' 

Gates also refused to say whether or not he personally shorted Tesla, saying that climate change was a focus of the Gates Foundation. 

'It's possible the stock went down and whoever shorted the stock made money, I don't know,' he said. 

'I don't think whether one's short or long Tesla is a statement about your seriousness about climate change,' he added 'I applaud Tesla's role in helping with climate change. I have nothing but positive things to say about Elon, if he makes Twitter worse, fine, I'll speak out about that, but I wouldn't assume that's what's going to happen,'

Gates, the world's third richest man after Musk and Jeff Bezos, took a shot earlier this year at the Tesla CEO after the electric vehicle maker announced taking a $1.5 billion stake in Bitcoin.

'Elon has tons of money and he's very sophisticated, so I don't worry that his Bitcoin will sort of randomly go up or down,' Gates told Bloomberg.

'I do think people get bought into these manias who may not have as much money to spare, so I'm not bullish on Bitcoin. My general thought would be that if you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out,' he said.

Gates has also previously made comments about electric trucks like the Tesla Semi not being viable, which Musk countered.

In an interview on the Joe Rogan Experience, Musk said he believes that the Microsoft founder had a big short position on Tesla stocks at one point.

'I heard that at one point he had a large short position. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it seems weird,' Musk told Rogan.

'People I know who know the situation pretty well, I asked them “are you sure?” and they said “yes, he has a huge short position on Tesla." That didn’t work out too well.'

 groups that signed an open letter last month calling on advertisers to boycott Twitter if Musk completes his $44 billion takeover.



  • 週二,埃隆馬斯克加深了與競爭對手億萬富翁比爾蓋茨的不和
  • 馬斯克對一篇聲稱蓋茨資助襲擊他的文章做出了嘆息的回應
  • 這是世界上兩個最富有的人之間口水戰的最新打擊
  • 蓋茨最近表示,馬斯克收購 Twitter 可能會使錯誤信息更糟
  • 馬斯克通過張貼將蓋茨與孕婦相提並論的照片來鄙視蓋茨的肚子








週二,馬斯克在推特上發了一條嘆息,以回應布賴特巴特的一篇文章的鏈接,該 文章聲稱蓋茨的基金會向眾多團體捐贈了數億美元,這些團體支持一項推動廣告商抵制 Twitter 的運動,如果馬斯克接任。

 文章稱,蓋茨基金會向一封推動抵制的公開信的 26 個簽署者中的 11 個捐款,通過被稱為黑錢團體的新風險基金和潮汐基金會分配現金。

此前,馬斯克和蓋茨之間的爭執不斷升級,蓋茨最近批評了特斯拉首席執行官以 440 億美元收購 Twitter 的計劃。

馬斯克還指責蓋茨在做空特斯拉股票時持有大量頭寸,並將這位微軟創始人的 zaftig 形象與孕婦的表情符號相提並論。 

蓋茨上個月表示,雖然馬斯克作為一名商人有著良好的記錄,但如果他按計劃完成收購,他可能會使 Twitter 上的錯誤信息變得更糟。 

他實際上可以讓情況變得更糟,蓋茨說。'那不是他的記錄。他在特斯拉和 Space X 的業績令人驚嘆,他組建了一支優秀的工程師團隊,並以一種不那麼大膽的方式讓在這些領域工作的人真正展現出來。我有點懷疑這次會發生這種情況,但我們應該保持開放的心態,永遠不要低估埃隆。 


這位出生於南非的 10 億人表示,他購買 Twitter 的主要動機是希望恢復該應用程序作為自由交流思想的場所,並多次表示他希望擺脫審查制度並在旁邊犯錯言論自由。

馬斯克自稱是言論自由的絕對主義者,他批評了 Twitter 的節制政策。

你知道,他的目標是什麼?” 蓋茨問道。當他談到開放時,他如何看待諸如疫苗殺死人比爾蓋茨正在追踪人之類的事情是他認為應該傳播的事情之一?所以還不完全清楚他要做什麼。

他最終的目標是什麼,它是否符合這種不那麼極端的謊言傳播得如此之快的想法,奇怪的陰謀論,他是否同意這個目標?” 蓋茨思索著。 






他補充說:我不認為一個人的短期或長期特斯拉是對你對氣候變化的認真態度的聲明,他補充說,我讚賞特斯拉在幫助應對氣候變化方面的作用。關於埃隆,我只有積極的話要說,如果他讓 Twitter 變得更糟,很好,我會說出來,但我不認為這就是會發生的事情,'

蓋茨是僅次於馬斯克和傑夫貝索斯的世界第三大富豪,今年早些時候,在電動汽車製造商宣布收購 15 億美元的比特幣股份後,他向特斯拉 CEO 開了一槍。



蓋茨此前也曾對特斯拉 Semi 等電動卡車不可行發表評論,馬斯克對此進行了反駁。



我認識的人非常了解情況,我問他們你確定嗎?’” 他們說:是的,他在特斯拉有大量空頭頭寸。結果不太好。




上個月簽署了一封公開信的團體呼籲廣告商抵制 Twitter,如果馬斯克完成了 440 億美元的收購。


