2022年5月13日 星期五

埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,Twitter 交易暫停,等待有關虛假賬戶的詳細信息;股價下跌 10%



·        Twitter’s stock plummeted 18% in premarket trading following the initial announcement, but trimmed some losses after the second tweet.

·        Musk announced last month that he intends to buy Twitter for $44 billion.

·        He’s tweeted that one of his main priorities would be to remove “spam bots” from the platform.

In this article

Elon Musk announced Friday that his Twitter deal is on hold until he receives more information about how many fake accounts there are on the social media platform.

In a follow-up tweet around two hours later, Musk added that he was "still committed to the acquisition."

Twitter's stock plummeted 18% in premarket trading following the initial announcement, but trimmed some losses after the second tweet. Shares were down about 10% after markets opened. A spokesperson for the social media company did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment.

Tesla CEO Musk announced last month that he intends to buy Twitter for $44 billion and he's previously tweeted that one of his main priorities would be to remove "spam bots" from the platform.

Even before Friday's announcement, the company's market value had fallen to $9 billion beneath the offer price due to concerns about the deal.

Musk, who is expected to serve as Twitter's temporary CEO if the deal goes ahead, would have to pay a $1 billion breakup fee should he choose to walk away. Musk is worth more than $220 billion.

Twitter estimated in a filing earlier this month that fewer than 5% of its monetizable daily active users during the first quarter were bots or spam accounts.

Musk, who is the world's richest person on paper, now wants the company to confirm this before he continues with the deal, which is being partly funded by Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.

The San Francisco-headquartered social media company said in the filing that it had 229 million users in the first quarter who were served advertising.

On Tuesday, Musk said that he would lift Twitter's ban on former President Donald Trump if he takes over the company.

"Permanent bans should be extremely rare and really reserved for accounts that are bots, or scam, spam accounts … I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump," Musk said at FT Live's Future of the Car conference. "I think that was a mistake, because it alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice."

Earlier this month, Bill Gates warned that Musk could make Twitter "worse." Speaking at The Wall Street Journal's CEO Summit, Gates said it's unclear how Musk will change Twitter if he takes ownership, while also raising concerns about the spread of misinformation on social media platforms.

Gates went on to question what Musk's goal is with Twitter and whether his drive to promote free speech is sensible. "What are his goals for what it ends up being? Does that match this idea of less extreme falsehoods spreading so quickly [and] weird conspiracy theories? Does he share that goal or not?" Gates said.

Before Musk made his bid to buy Twitter outright, he failed to disclose a more than 9% stake in the company within the SEC's mandatory 10-day window.

The Information reported that the Federal Trade Commission is probing the timing of Musk's disclosure. Bloomberg later said the FTC is separately reviewing the acquisition itself, though many experts don't expect the deal to raise antitrust concerns.

The FTC doesn’t disclose ongoing investigations, and an FTC spokesperson declined to comment.

Tesla’s share price climbed nearly 7% in premarket trading Friday.

Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said some are likely to query whether fake accounts are the real reason behind this delaying tactic.

“The $44 billion price tag is huge, and it may be a strategy to row back on the amount he is prepared to pay to acquire the platform,” she said in a statement.



·        Twitter 的股票在首次發布後的盤前交易中暴跌 18%,但在第二條推文發布後收復了部分跌幅。

·        馬斯克上個月宣布,他打算以 440 億美元收購 Twitter

·        他在推特上表示,他的主要優先事項之一是從平台上刪除垃圾郵件機器人





Twitter 的股票在首次發布後的盤前交易中暴跌 18%,但在第二條推文發布後收復了部分跌幅。開市後股價下跌約 10%。這家社交媒體公司的發言人沒有立即回應 CNBC 的置評請求。



特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克上個月宣布,他打算以 440 億美元收購 Twitter,他此前曾在推特上表示,他的主要優先事項之一是從平台上刪除垃圾郵件機器人

甚至在周五宣布之前,由於對該交易的擔憂,該公司的市值已跌至低於要約價的 90 億美元。

如果交易繼續進行,馬斯克預計將擔任 Twitter 的臨時 CEO ,如果他選擇離開,他將不得不支付 10 億美元的分手費 。馬斯克身價超過 2200 億美元。

Twitter 在本月早些時候的一份文件中估計,第一季度其可獲利的每日活躍用戶中只有不到 5% 是機器人或垃圾郵件帳戶。




這家總部位於舊金山的社交媒體公司在文件中表示,第一季度有 2.29 億用戶接受了廣告服務。

週二,馬斯克表示,如果他接管公司,他將解除 Twitter 對前總統唐納德特朗普的禁令。

馬斯克在FT Live 的汽車未來會議上說:永久禁令應該非常罕見,並且真正保留給機器人賬戶、詐騙賬戶、垃圾郵件賬戶……我確實認為禁止唐納德特朗普是不正確 的。 ” “我認為這是一個錯誤,因為它疏遠了該國的大部分地區,並沒有最終導致唐納德特朗普沒有發言權。



本月早些時候,比爾蓋茨警告說,馬斯克可能會讓推特變得更糟。蓋茨在《華爾街日報》的 CEO 峰會上發表講話時表示,目前尚不清楚馬斯克在獲得所有權後將如何改變 Twitter,同時也引發了人們對社交媒體平台上錯誤信息傳播的擔憂。

蓋茨繼續質疑馬斯克在推特上的目標是什麼,以及他推動言論自由的努力是否明智。他最終的目標是什麼?這是否符合這種不那麼極端的謊言傳播得如此之快[]奇怪的陰謀論的想法嗎?他是否同意這個目標?” 蓋茨說。

在馬斯克出價直接收購 Twitter 之前,他 未能 在美國證券交易委員會規定的 10 天期限內披露該公司超過 9% 的股份。

該信息報導 稱,聯邦貿易委員會正在調查馬斯克披露的時間。 布隆伯格後來表示 ,聯邦貿易委員會正在單獨審查此次收購本身,儘管許多專家預計該交易不會引發反壟斷擔憂。

FTC 沒有透露正在進行的調查,FTC 發言人拒絕置評。

週五,特斯拉股價在盤前交易中上漲近 7%

Hargreaves Lansdown 的高級投資和市場分析師 Susannah Streeter 表示,一些人可能會質疑虛假賬戶是否是這種延遲策略背後的真正原因。

她在一份聲明中說:“440 億美元的價格是巨大的,這可能是一種推遲他準備為收購該平台支付的金額的策略。


