2020年12月4日 星期五

大空頭哀號「做空太痛苦」 特斯拉續寫歷史新高



2020/12/04 06:49 

 標普成分股多頭Jim Chanos

繼高盛週三 (2 日) 大喊買進特斯拉後,美股大空頭哀號做空特斯拉太痛苦,週四 (3 日) 特斯拉股價再寫輝煌紀錄,收盤價飆上每股 594.11 美元,續寫歷史新高紀錄。

特斯拉 (TSLA-US) 昨日今日股價兩樣情,週三特斯拉下滑 2.73%,週四開盤,特斯拉反彈大漲,終場收紅 4.32% 至每股 593.38 美元,再度刷下歷史新高。今年以來已打破 30 多個收盤新高紀錄。

特斯拉再度刷下歷史新高 (圖片:鉅亨網)
特斯拉再度刷下歷史新高 (圖片:鉅亨網)

特斯拉今日大漲有兩大利多消息,週三盤後高盛發布一份報告大幅看多特斯拉,將特斯拉股價評級調升為「買進」,目標價自 455 美元上調至 780 美元,創下華爾街最高目標價。

Kynikos Associates 知名大空頭 Jim Chanos 週四受訪時表示,近五年他都在大幅做空特斯拉,但今年戰績慘烈,他已縮減做空特斯拉的資金規模。

Jim Chanos 稱,特斯拉連續五季獲利多來自碳排放額度銷售飆漲、目前特斯拉股票歷史本益比約 900 倍,未來 4 季預估本益比超過 150 倍。

Jim Chanos 坦言道:「很明顯,這 (做空特斯拉) 很痛苦。雖然我從未見過馬斯克,但若有機會見到他,我會對他說,幹得好!」

特斯拉將成為過去十年來標普納入的最龐大企業,本月 21 日將一次性納入標普,年初至今特斯拉已上漲 689%。

特斯拉市值巨獸持續狂衝,已躍身全美前六大企業,僅次於蘋果 (AAPL-US)、微軟 (MSFT-US) 、亞馬遜 (AMZN-US)、Alphabet  (GOOGL-US) 和臉書 (FB-US) 。



Chanos Reduces ‘Painful’ Tesla Short, Tells Musk ‘Job Well Done’

Scarlet Fu

(Bloomberg) -- Jim Chanos has been short Tesla Inc.’s stock for five long years. And although he’s reduced the size of the trade, he’s not done with it yet.

For the first four years, he says, it wasn’t such a bad short. The electric-vehicle maker’s stock wasn’t trouncing the market.

The last 12 months? That’s a different story, with Tesla climbing more than 700% and inflating its market capitalization to above half a trillion dollars. The company is now bigger than all but five members of the S&P 500 and will be added to the benchmark index later this month. Chanos has reduced the Tesla bet from the maximum short position of 5% of capital allowed at his hedge-fund firm Kynikos Associates.

“It’s been painful, clearly,” Chanos said in a Bloomberg “Front Row” interview.

The famed short-seller continues to takes issue with Tesla’s business model and valuation. Some investors see it as an electric-vehicle company, others view it as an autonomous-vehicle company, while still others treat it as a clean-energy play.

“It’s whatever people want to believe Elon Musk is touting,” said Chanos, pointing out that Tesla’s five straight quarters of profit are due to sales of regulatory credits rather than cars. Tesla trades at about 900 times trailing earnings, and more than 150 times estimated earnings for the next four quarters.

“I’ve never met Elon Musk,” said Chanos. “I’ve never had a conversation with him.”

If they were to meet? “I’d say, ‘job well done so far,’” he said.

By contrast, 2020 has been a tough slog for Kynikos in its 35th year. The firm has a traditional long-short hedge fund where passive index funds provide most of the long exposure, allowing Chanos to focus on the short side. Kynikos also offers a fundamentally chosen short portfolio that serves as an insurance policy for investors who are long the market.

But after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates to record lows in March and made clear it will step in with more help if necessary, he said few investors are worrying about significant downside risk, much less see the need to actively protect against a rising stock market.


