0:10 你好 0:12 所以感謝您實際點擊 0:14 這個視頻,如果你這樣做意味著你 0:16 對喜歡我們實際上的東西感興趣 0:17 想想香港的好文化 0:20 首先,我們要介紹一下 0:22 我們自己是對的,我的名字是艾琳,所以我是 0:24 過去六年在香港 0:27 我來自印度尼西亞 0:28 我是傑伊,我過去一直在這裡 0:31 七年,我來自新加坡 0:33 名字是情人節我來過這裡 0:35 四年了,我來自法國 0:38 我的名字是梅麗莎,我來自 0:39 瑞士 我每次都回到這裡 0:41 夏天 0:47 我來自德國,我來這裡是為了 0:49 大概九年 0:51 所以 0:52 也許首先你知道我是 0:53 實際上害怕乘坐小巴 0:56 主要是因為你必須喊進來 0:58 粵語哦,是的,我不確定你有沒有 0:59 曾經 1:00 寫了 1:01 閱讀我現在嘗試過的小巴 那個有按鈕的,你可以 1:05 按下鈴鐺哦不不,除了那些紅色 1:07 他們有按鈕但有時 1:08 他們忽略了按鈕是的哦喜歡 1:10 我按下了紅色小巴上的按鈕 1:11 和 1:12 司機只是滾動它滾動我和 1:14 告訴我我應該告訴他而不是 1:16 然後用粵語按下按鈕 1:17 我不知道按鈕是什麼,但是 1:19 因為公交車自帶按鈕 1:20 但是司機不工作所以他得分 1:22 你用粵語期待你 1:23 懂廣東話,但那會發生 1:25 反正很多,所以我習慣了 1:27 你知道這實際上是一件好事 1:28 像被罵一樣的好結局 1:31 對了,嗯 1:34 我們談論的不僅僅是小巴 1:36 到今天,我認為我的主要喜歡 1:39 文化衝擊第一次是 1:41 去佐敦的地方 1:43 早餐的地方還有一家餐廳和 1:45 他們給你五秒鐘的時間 1:47 看看菜單,所以我不確定你是否 1:49 伙計們的經歷是的,是的,我知道我已經 1:51 看到它實際上不只是在那個 1:52 像我在香港的第一年一樣的餐廳 1:54 kong 去那裡壓力很大 1:55 任務然後我給你不只是一個 1:57 菜單他們有五種不同的菜單 1:59 有些像早餐和下午 2:01 下午茶和午餐然後你得到 2:03 這些套裝都是中文的,經過 2:05 幾秒鐘他們喜歡看著你 2:07 他們盯著你,我開始罵 2:08 然後你試著點他們的食物 2:11 [笑聲] 2:16 給我時間,然後,然後 2:17 他們會走開的,是的,我喜歡 2:20 發生了什麼事,所以我認為對於那些 2:23 習慣了更像是一家平靜的餐廳 2:25 人們關注的體驗 2:27 你和耐心等待你的 2:29 令我大吃一驚,我有點喜歡 2:31 現在是,但我的第一年就像 2:33 每次都出汗不是那樣的 2:34 回德國吧,不,但在德國 2:37 你等了半個小時才拿到食物 2:38 到達 2:40 所以我很快就習慣了香港哦 2:42 那是在罵人,但食物來得很快 2:44 可以與此相關 2:46 那麼回家需要多長時間 2:47 等待食物可能甚至超過一半 2:49 一個小時他們也至少花費 2:52 兩個至少兩個小時 2:54 在餐廳 在餐廳什麼 2:55 如果你在茶裡呆兩個小時就會發生 2:57 誦經 2:59 它 3:01 我認為沒有人嘗試過,因為 3:03 這就像自殺,他們只是喜歡扔 3:05 賬單 3:07 有時他們會問你你做完了嗎 3:08 他們喜歡將帶走你的 3:10 盤子,即使你還沒有完成,是的,我 3:12 認為我認為當我第一次 3:14 我實際上是作為遊客來到這裡的 3:16 很震驚這整個就像來了 3:17 坐下來立即問你 3:19 to to to to order the food and eat 然後 3:22 走開,有些人認為這是非常 3:24 粗魯,是的,尤其是我認為我的時候 3:26 是我不知道的遊客嗎 3:27 香港文化我就像哇這就是 3:29 如此粗魯沒有服務 3:30 無論如何,但是當它就像曾經我一樣 3:33 真的來了,我安頓下來 3:34 安頓下來,然後我開始意識到 3:36 嘿實際上有一種像 3:38 好的一面 也許我喜歡被人罵 3:40 他們 3:42 這就像今天的家庭爭執,我想我 3:44 認為這是一個不同的話題,但 3:47 在這裡被小巴司機罵 3:50 以錯誤的方式給錢或 3:51 類似的東西我們要回去 3:53 迷你巴士似乎是 3:55 我的意思是這對外國人來說很痛苦 3:57 這就是為什麼實際上是六 3:59 多年來我從沒坐過小巴 4:01 獨自的 4:02 我只和當地人一樣 4:05 誰會說粵語哦,我的上帝,你應該 4:07 嘗試 4:08 等你完成 你以前做過 4:10 耶耶耶 4:12 我喜歡勇敢的每一天 4:14 我不只是這麼緊張 好吧首先 4:16 他們開得這麼快這麼快是啊是啊我 4:18 喜歡,是的,我也喜歡滾輪 4:20 過山車是的,有時它會給你 4:23 我知道這很危險而且可能 4:24 不是好建議,但你知道什麼時候 4:26 真的很累,想回家 4:28 然後晚上你坐在這個 4:29 迷你巴士和瘋狂的超速行駛 4:31 高速公路 4:33 像駕駛警告一樣的極限 4:35 快它給你這種感覺 4:37 是的,我正在被照顧,我會的 4:40 到家真快它提醒你 4:42 家的權利等等我有一個真的 4:44 嚴肅的問題,所以這裡有人 4:46 誰享受 4:47 危險駕駛 4:50 有人說他喜歡得到 4:52 被罵了,所以我還好我穿著 4:54 安全帶雖然還好幾乎沒有人在 4:55 他在這個穿著座位上,但我是 4:57 穿著西裝的怪異 kuilo 4:58 我從沒聽說過這個 5:00 哦,真的,我從沒穿過,我從沒穿過 5:03 一般香港的安全帶 5:06 在德國你可以開200 5:08 高速公路 5:09 因為沒有速度限制 5:11 德國是世界上唯一的國家 5:12 高速公路上沒有速度限制,但 5:14 政客們正在談論廢除 5:16 因為它對環境有害 5:17 它確實會導致車禍 5:20 我的意思是這就是為什麼他喜歡 5:22 因為它讓我想起了家 5:24 是的,你喜歡得到 5:25 被罵,因為它讓你想起家 5:27 哦,所以 5:29 你很好地滿足了我們的潛意識 5:30 那很好,你在嗎? 5:32 香港有什麼讓你想起的事 5:34 家的 5:35 我不這麼認為哦 5:39 是的 5:41 好吧好吧好吧 5:44 法語 5:45 像所有以它命名的東西 5:47 法國名字或你看到的任何東西 5:50 到處都是,我不明白 5:51 [笑聲] 5:53 我們有很多廣告,我說 5:55 法國製造它來自法國和 5:57 我從沒聽說過 5:59 聽起來很性感,是的,我知道是的 6:02 合法的 6:03 是不是像在做的那樣貼上標籤 6:05 法國,它甚至不是法國的 6:07 但我明白這只是為了成功 6:09 更多的 6:10 有點花哨或有聲望,但我 6:12 意味著你應該很高興那裡就像一個 6:13 法國品牌對,是的,讓我們說 6:15 問題是你認為人們 6:18 這裡有一個很好的知識在哪裡 6:20 你來自或有很多 6:22 假設 6:23 大部分都是好東西 6:25 然後我總是告訴他們不好的 6:27 事物 6:28 哦,太糟糕了,我們不包括在內,我 6:31 實際上想問傑伊是那個我 6:33 不會說名字,但他住在這 6:36 空間大約五年 6:38 嗯,我想你們中的一些人可能知道我是 6:40 不知道你是否知道我在說什麼 6:42 關於但是 6:43 它以極簡主義而聞名 6:48 你對此有何評論 6:50 很舒服這是你的一個詞 6:53 用我在你看的香港休息 6:55 喜歡公寓,但他們告訴你 6:56 舒適的呃這意味著小 6:59 但他們只是讓它變得更好但是 7:00 我們說話有多小,呃,我們是 7:02 基本上是在談論如果我們睡覺 7:05 像這樣的寬度 7:07 房間 7:08 哦,你實際上可以容納兩個人 7:10 幾乎不像一個,但你必須是 7:12 是的,我們必須喜歡 7:14 像這樣讓我們想像一下 7:16 好的 7:17 我進入一個房間我看到了什麼 7:19 你看到誘餌就是這樣 7:22 沒有什麼不是衣櫃沒有 7:24 你打開門的空間是的電纜沒有 7:27 我打賭的桌子 7:30 是的,你打開門 7:31 門 7:32 幾乎觸到了鑽頭 7:35 呃 7:36 這就是誘餌然後就是這樣 7:37 就像膠囊旅館一樣 7:39 低預算旅行比 7:41 哦,哇,好吧,是的,現在你 7:45 可能有電視之類的東西 7:46 那裡什麼都沒有 7:48 所以基本上 7:51 四塊磚牆 7:53 你有門和床木牆嗎 7:55 一個窗口 7:56 呃窗戶就像 7:58 窗戶是這個這個這個東西這個 8:00 腿還是可以的,什麼觀點 8:03 你有呃後巷沒有 8:05 看法 8:08 我想只有香港有這個我有 8:10 五年來從未打開過那扇窗 8:11 我在那裡住了五年 8:13 雖然我的意思是 8:15 我仍然覺得瘋狂五年和你 8:17 決定是時候搬出去住了 8:20 不知道這只是 8:22 它比你能得到的便宜 8:24 在外面我會說,呃,這是一個 8:27 好地方在香港多少錢 8:29 約 3 000 8:31 3002。 8:33 哦,你會在印度尼西亞找到一個好地方 8:36 後院聽起來像巴厘島 8:38 是的,也許你的浴室在哪裡 8:42 衛生間有多少人 8:43 呃 8:44 有三個浴室,你分享 8:46 20人哦 8:48 等等,這不是玩笑,很多玩笑 8:51 我覺得這裡的一切都很緊湊 8:53 香港排氣管城和它的 8:55 速度如此之快,是的,是的 8:59 一切都在高速高速我是 9:01 不知道它回來的速度有多快 9:03 自己的地方就是我保留的東西 9:04 說 9:05 一遍又一遍我總是說哦等等什麼 9:07 在香港要花一個小時 9:08 帶我一整天在前面,我 9:10 習慣了那種節奏和效率 9:13 然後當我回到法國時 9:15 沮喪 對 害怕 是 9:17 你們能不能快一點 9:19 收銀員你和你有那個老太太 9:21 特別喜歡,因為我不是我來自 9:23 當你有那個老太太時,郊區城市 9:25 只是說話和 9:27 落在後面 9:28 歡呼 9:29 [音樂] 9:30 不,但這是自動扶梯的一件事 9:32 香港就像你發送到哪裡 9:34 你又站到右邊了嗎? 9:36 現在基本上是肌肉記憶 9:38 一邊,然後是想走路的人 9:40 在左側不會發生 9:42 印度尼西亞然後當我回去的時候我就像 9:44 來吧,伙計們給我走的路,我的 9:46 媽媽就像你為什麼要走路 9:48 自動扶梯 9:50 誰想回家我知道 9:52 我意識到我不能靜止不動 9:56 就像我媽媽在這裡多年之後 9:58 不明白我為什麼要趕時間 她就像是 10:00 你急於像搶劫一樣犯下 10:02 或者像你為什麼走路這樣的東西 10:04 快,但我什至不知道自動扶梯 10:07 真的很快,然後當我回去的時候 10:09 到新加坡,我搭捷運 10:11 香港的地鐵,然後他們 10:12 一旦我踏上自動扶梯就升級 10:15 是的,對,就像我在動,我在移動嗎? 10:17 是的,台灣也在台灣 10:19 自動扶梯台灣就像是速度的一半 10:22 我覺得這很正常 10:23 在我來之前這裡的人 10:25 如果你要去的話絕對不正常 10:26 提起電梯關閉按鈕 10:29 在德國不存在好吧我們不存在 10:31 有那麼多電梯,但當我們有 10:32 解除按鈕不存在或 10:35 按鈕在那裡,但從來沒有人 10:37 按下它是因為我們甚至喜歡我的想法 10:39 當我們年輕時我們長大了 10:41 在德國,我們看到電梯,我們按下 a 10:42 按鈕它不做任何事情門 10:44 不要更快地關閉我們從中學習 10:46 年輕時這個按鈕不起作用 10:48 任何東西,然後我們應用它,當我 10:49 首先在香港,我寄了,我 10:51 等到門關上 10:53 然後當我靠近時每個人都盯著我看 10:55 像普雷斯頓這樣的按鈕 10:58 你知道的,我花了一些時間 11:00 幾週的學習,但現在我已經習慣了 11:02 回到德國,我試著按下 11:03 按鈕,我找不到它這麼近 11:05 門 我聽到了 11:07 是的,香港人愛得更快 11:09 現在我也喜歡它,從這個意義上說,我 11:10 變成了100個香港,是的,就像來了 11:13 on like then if 的按鈕是什麼 11:15 不是我不知道 我想也許他們 11:16 訂購了一組按鈕,但不是 11:18 連線什麼的或者算法 11:20 門就像它放慢了速度 11:21 和剛才一樣 11:22 等待門去,所以他們 11:24 只是站在那裡等待和浪費 11:27 就像他們生命中的幾秒鐘 11:28 基本上 11:29 我的一位香港朋友去過 11:30 德國不小心按下了 11:32 報警按鈕 11:33 因為你實際上想按下 11:34 不存在的關門按鈕 11:36 那個抬起然後不小心按下 11:38 警報按鈕,因為它在旁邊 11:39 打開按鈕 火 人類 呃 不 11:41 哦 11:43 是的,是的,然後沒有人回答哪個 11:44 也很歐 11:48 我希望沒有像真正的意外 11:50 發生在這裡,但這裡很瘋狂 11:52 效率你知道,如果你按那個 11:54 按鈕在這裡它立即關閉我愛 11:56 它 11:57 是的,雖然像香港一樣好 11:59 這就像一個我真的很驚訝的地方 12:00 因為在來這里之前我想 12:02 是的,我只需要英國人和 12:04 我受夠了 12:05 我來到這裡,我意識到它是如此 12:07 和里面描繪的不一樣 12:09 就像你知道媒體或 12:11 就像電影和其他東西一樣,它是如此不同 12:13 好但是 12:14 啊實際上它比我好 12:17 想是的,遇見我們就好了,你知道的 12:19 我要在這裡待多久 12:21 我所期望的,我探索了一下 12:24 對我來說更多,我仍然相信有 12:26 關於香港的很多事情,我們 12:27 實際上還沒有發現 12:29 儘管你所知道的一切都喜歡超快 12:31 小巴和所有的 12:34 瘋狂 12:35 超級快,是的,即使喜歡 12:39 也許人們會把你推到地鐵裡 12:41 東西我還是覺得很神奇所以 12:43 真的真的希望每個人都玩得開心 12:45 在對話中,所以記得點擊 12:48 喜歡訂閱我還想念什麼 12:50 跟隨 12:52 寫下你最喜歡的評論 12:54 如果你有香港的文化衝擊 12:55 任何我們想讀的東西 12:58 或者如果你是香港人,請告訴我們 12:59 如果有什麼你不同意的 13:01 是的,請隨意同意 同意 是的 13:03 我們將開始對話,好的,謝謝 13:06 伙計們再見
0 hi 0:12 so thank you for actually clicking into 0:14 this video and if you do it means you're 0:16 interested on like what we actually 0:17 think about well culture in hong kong so 0:20 first of all uh we're gonna go introduce 0:22 ourselves right my name is irene so i'm 0:24 here in hong kong for the past six years 0:27 and i'm from indonesia 0:28 i'm jay i've been here for the past 0:31 seven years and i'm from singapore my 0:33 name is valentine i've been here for 0:35 four years and i'm from france 0:38 my name is melissa and i'm from 0:39 switzerland i come back here every 0:41 summer 0:47 i'm from germany and i've been here for 0:49 something like nine years 0:51 so 0:52 maybe first things first you know i'm 0:53 actually terrified of riding mini buses 0:56 mainly because you have to shout in 0:58 cantonese oh yeah i'm not sure have you 0:59 ever 1:00 wrote 1:01 read mini bosses i tried now they have 1:03 the one with the button you can just 1:05 press the bells oh no no but those red 1:07 ones they have buttons but sometimes 1:08 they ignore the buttons yeah oh like 1:10 i've pressed buttons in red minibuses 1:11 and the 1:12 driver just scrolls it scrolls me and 1:14 tells me i should tell him instead of 1:16 pressing the button in cantonese then 1:17 what's the button for i don't know but 1:19 because the bus comes with the button 1:20 but the driver doesn't work so he score 1:22 you in cantonese expecting you to 1:23 understand cantonese but that happens a 1:25 lot anyway so that's fine i'm used to 1:27 that that's actually a good you know 1:28 good segue like getting scolded all 1:31 right so um 1:34 not just minibus we're talking about day 1:36 to day so my i think my main like 1:39 culture shock the very first time is 1:41 going to the place in jordan the 1:43 breakfast place also a restaurant and 1:45 they give you literally five seconds to 1:47 look at the menu so i'm not sure if you 1:49 guys experience yeah yeah i know i i've 1:51 seen it actually not just in that 1:52 restaurant like my my first year in hong 1:54 kong it was so stressful going to the 1:55 task and then i give you not just one 1:57 menu they have like five different menus 1:59 and some is like breakfast and afternoon 2:01 afternoon tea and lunch and then you get 2:03 these sets all in chinese and after a 2:05 few seconds they like look at you and 2:07 they stare at you and i start scolding 2:08 and then you try to order their food 2:11 [Laughter] 2:16 just give me time and then and then 2:17 they'll just walk away yeah and i'm like 2:20 what happened so i think for people who 2:23 are used to more like a calm restaurant 2:25 experience where people pay attention to 2:27 you and are patient and wait for your 2:29 order that's a big shock i kind of like 2:31 it now but my first year it was like 2:33 sweating every time it's not like that 2:34 back in germany right no but in germany 2:37 you wait like half an hour for the food 2:38 to arrive 2:40 so i got used to hong kong fast oh 2:42 that's scolding but food comes fast you 2:44 can relate to that 2:46 so how long does it take back home to 2:47 wait for food maybe even more than half 2:49 an hour they also also spend at least 2:52 two at least two hours 2:54 in the restaurant in the restaurant what 2:55 happens if you stay two hours in cha 2:57 chanting 2:59 it 3:01 i don't think anyone has tried because 3:03 that's like suicide they just like throw 3:05 the bill 3:07 and sometimes they ask you are you done 3:08 and they like are about to take your 3:10 plate even if you're not done yeah i 3:12 think i think as a as a when i first 3:14 came here as a tourist i was actually 3:16 very shocked by this whole like coming 3:17 sitting down and immediately asking you 3:19 to to to order the food and eat and then 3:22 go away and some people think it's very 3:24 rude yeah especially i think my when i 3:26 was tourist i didn't really know about 3:27 hong kong culture i was like wow this is 3:29 so rude no service 3:30 whatsoever uh but when it's like once i 3:33 really came here and i settled down and 3:34 settled in and then i started to realize 3:36 hey actually there's a kind of like a 3:38 nice side maybe i like being scolded by 3:40 them 3:42 it's like a family feud today i think i 3:44 think this is a different topic but 3:47 here i get scolded by mini bus drivers 3:50 for giving the money the wrong way or 3:51 something like that we're going back to 3:53 the mini bus seems like it's a 3:55 i mean it's traumatic for foreigners it 3:57 is that's why actually it's been six 3:59 years here i've never taken the minibus 4:01 alone 4:02 i only take it with like local people 4:05 who speak cantonese oh my god you should 4:07 try 4:08 wait you've done you have done it before 4:10 yeah yeah yeah 4:12 i do like every day brave 4:14 i don't it's just so tense okay first 4:16 they drive so fast so fast yeah yeah i 4:18 like it yeah me too like a roller 4:20 coaster yeah sometimes it's it gives you 4:23 i know it's dangerous and it's probably 4:24 not good advice but you know when you're 4:26 really tired and you want to go home and 4:28 then at night you're sitting in this 4:29 mini bus and speeding like crazy on a 4:31 highway 4:33 of the limit like warning of driving too 4:35 fast it gives you this this feeling of 4:37 yes i i'm being taken care of i'll 4:40 arrive home really fast it reminds you 4:42 of home right wait i have a really 4:44 serious question so here we have people 4:46 who enjoy 4:47 dangerous driving 4:50 someone who said he enjoys getting 4:52 scolded so i'm like okay i'm wearing 4:54 seat belt though okay almost no one in 4:55 him in this wearing seat but i'm the 4:57 weird kuilo who wears a suit 4:58 i've never heard this 5:00 oh really i never wore it i never wore a 5:03 seat belt in hong kong in general 5:06 in germany you can i drove 200 on the 5:08 highway 5:09 because there's no speed limit 5:11 germany is the only country in the world 5:12 with no speed limit on a highway but 5:14 politicians are talking about abolishing 5:16 it because it's bad for the environment 5:17 and it does produce car crashes 5:20 i mean that's why that's why he enjoys 5:22 the very because it reminds me of home 5:24 yeah exactly and you enjoy getting 5:25 scolded because it reminds you of home 5:27 oh so 5:29 you're meeting our subconscious well 5:30 that's re well does uh is there 5:32 something in hong kong that reminds you 5:34 of home 5:35 i don't think so oh 5:39 yeah 5:41 okay okay okay fair enough all the 5:44 french 5:45 like all the things that are named after 5:47 french names or whatever this is you see 5:50 that everywhere and i don't get it 5:51 [Laughter] 5:53 we have so many commercials where i say 5:55 made in france it comes from france and 5:57 i've never heard about 5:59 it sounds sexy right yeah i know is it 6:02 legal 6:03 is it like labeled it as like made in 6:05 france and it's not even french 6:07 but i understand it's just to make it 6:09 more 6:10 kind of fancy or prestigious but yeah i 6:12 mean you should be happy there's like a 6:13 brand of france right yeah let's say 6:15 that the question is do you think people 6:18 here have a good knowledge of where 6:20 you're from or is there a lot of 6:22 assumptions 6:23 mostly good things yeah 6:25 and then i always tell them the bad 6:27 things 6:28 oh too bad let's not include that and i 6:31 actually want to ask jay is that um i'm 6:33 not gonna say names but he lived in this 6:36 space for like five years 6:38 um i think some of you might know i'm 6:40 not sure if you know what i'm talking 6:42 about but 6:43 it's famous for being very minimalistic 6:48 what's what's your comment about it 6:50 it's very cozy that's a word that you 6:53 use i rest in hong kong where you look 6:55 for like apartments but they tell you 6:56 cozy uh that means small 6:59 but they just make it a nicer way but 7:00 how small are we talking uh we're 7:02 talking about basically um if we sleep 7:05 side to side like that's the width of 7:07 the room 7:08 oh you can actually fit two people uh 7:10 hardly like one one but you have to be 7:12 like yeah we have to like 7:14 like this let's just okay visualize this 7:16 okay 7:17 i enter a room what do i see 7:19 you see the bait that's it 7:22 there's nothing that's no wardrobe no 7:24 space you open the door yes cable no 7:27 table i bet takes 7:30 yeah you open the door the 7:31 door 7:32 almost touches the the bit 7:35 and uh 7:36 that's the bait and then that's it so 7:37 it's like capsule hotels when you're 7:39 traveling low budget it's worse than 7:41 that it's oh wow okay well yeah now you 7:45 probably have tvs and stuff like that 7:46 there's nothing there yeah 7:48 so it's basically 7:51 four brick walls 7:53 a door and a bed wooden wall do you have 7:55 a window 7:56 uh the window is like 7:58 the window is the this this thing this 8:00 leg that's still okay and what what view 8:03 do you have uh the back alley there's no 8:05 view 8:08 i think only hong kong has this i've 8:10 never opened that window in the five 8:11 years that i lived there five years 8:13 though i mean like how 8:15 i still find crazy five years and you 8:17 decided time to move out to a more i 8:20 don't know it's just 8:22 it's cheaper than what you can get 8:24 outside i would say and uh it's it's a 8:27 nice place how much was it in hong kong 8:29 around 3 000 8:31 3002. 8:33 oh you'll get a fancy place in indonesia 8:36 with the backyard sounds like bali 8:38 yeah maybe where's your bathroom then 8:42 bathroom how many people 8:43 uh 8:44 there's three bathroom and you share 8:46 with 20 people oh 8:48 wait this is not a joke a lot of joking 8:51 i think it's everything so compact here 8:53 hong kong city of exhaust pipes and it's 8:55 so freaking quick like pace yeah yes 8:59 everything's high speed high speed i'm 9:01 not sure how quick it is back at your 9:03 own places that's the thing i keep 9:04 saying 9:05 over and over i always say oh wait what 9:07 takes me one hour in hong kong would 9:08 take me an entire day in the front and i 9:10 get so used to that pace and efficiency 9:13 then when i come back in france i'm 9:15 frustrated right afraid yeah 9:17 can you guys hurry up a bit yeah the 9:19 cashier you and you have that old lady 9:21 like especially because i don't i'm from 9:23 suburb city when you have that old lady 9:25 just talking and 9:27 landing behind 9:28 hurray 9:29 [Music] 9:30 no but that's one thing escalators in 9:32 hong kong right like if you send where 9:34 do you stand again right side right side 9:36 it's basically muscle memory now right 9:38 side and then people who wants to walk 9:40 on the left side that does not happen in 9:42 indonesia then when i went back i'm like 9:44 come on guys give me way to walk and my 9:46 mom is like why do you want to walk it's 9:48 an escalator 9:50 who wants to became homecoming i know 9:52 and i realized that i can't stand still 9:56 like after years and years here my mom 9:58 don't get why i'm rushing she's like are 10:00 you rushing to like commit like robbery 10:02 or something like why are you walking so 10:04 fast but i don't know even escalators 10:07 are really fast and then when i go back 10:09 to singapore and i take the mrt which is 10:11 the mtr in hong kong and then they 10:12 escalate once i step on the escalators 10:15 yeah right it's like am i moving am i 10:17 yeah taiwan as well right in taiwan the 10:19 escalator taiwan is like half the speed 10:22 i think it's kind of so normal for 10:23 people here before i come from 10:25 absolutely not normal if you're going to 10:26 lift the lift close button 10:29 doesn't exist in germany okay we don't 10:31 have that many lifts but when we do have 10:32 lifts either the button isn't there or 10:35 the button is there and no one ever 10:37 presses it because we even like i think 10:39 when young when we're young we grow up 10:41 in germany we see a lift and we press a 10:42 button it doesn't do anything the doors 10:44 don't close any faster we learn from 10:46 young age this button doesn't do 10:48 anything and then we apply it and when i 10:49 was in hong kong first and i sent and i 10:51 just wait until the doors closed and 10:53 then everyone stares at me when i'm near 10:55 the buttons like preston 10:58 you know yeah and and it took me a few 11:00 weeks to learn but now i'm so used to go 11:02 back to germany and i try to press the 11:03 button and i can't find it so close the 11:05 door i hear that 11:07 yeah exactly hong kong has loved faster 11:09 and now i love it too in this sense i 11:10 became 100 hong kong yeah it's like come 11:13 on like then what's the button for if 11:15 it's not i don't know i think maybe they 11:16 ordered a panel of buttons but it's not 11:18 wired up or something or the algorithm 11:20 of the door it's like it slows it down 11:21 so much that it's the same as just 11:22 waiting for the doors to go so they're 11:24 just standing there and wait and waste 11:27 like a few seconds of their life 11:28 basically 11:29 one of my hong kong friends visited 11:30 germany and accidentally pressed the 11:32 alarm button 11:33 because you actually wanted to press the 11:34 door close button which didn't exist in 11:36 that lift and then accidentally press 11:38 the alarm button because it was next to 11:39 the open button the fire mankind uh no 11:41 oh 11:43 yeah yeah and then no one answered which 11:44 is also very european 11:48 i hope there was no like real accident 11:50 happening here but here is crazy the 11:52 efficiency you know if you press that 11:54 button here it immediately closes i love 11:56 it 11:57 yeah it's good though like hong kong 11:59 it's like a place i'm really surprised 12:00 because before coming here i thought 12:02 that yeah i just need english man and 12:04 i'm done 12:05 i came here and i realized that it's so 12:07 different from what was portrayed in 12:09 like you know the sort like media or 12:11 like films and stuff it's so different 12:13 yeah but 12:14 ah actually it it is better than what i 12:17 thought yeah meet us like okay you know 12:19 what i'm gonna stay here for longer than 12:21 what i expected and i explore a little 12:24 more for me i still believe there's so 12:26 much thing about hong kong that we 12:27 haven't actually discovered so 12:29 despite all the you know like super fast 12:31 minibus and all the 12:34 craziness 12:35 super quick and yeah even though like 12:39 maybe people will push you in mtr and 12:41 stuff i still think it's amazing so 12:43 really really hope that everyone had fun 12:45 in the conversation so remember to click 12:48 like subscribe what else what did i miss 12:50 follow 12:52 put down your comment your greatest like 12:54 culture shock in hong kong if you have 12:55 any like we would love to read about it 12:58 or if you're a hong konger let us know 12:59 if there's anything you disagree with 13:01 yes feel free to agree with agree yeah 13:03 we'll start conversations alright thanks 13:06 guys bye
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