2020年8月12日 星期三



Russia’s vaccine could be out in November


Russia’s vaccine could be rolled out in November

Russia has been working on its coronavirus vaccine effectively for the past six years, the head of the country’s sovereign wealth fund told CNBC, and could be rolled out before the end of the year.

Russia said its work in recent years on developing a vaccine for Ebola and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) had helped it to create a vaccine against the new coronavirus.

“We were just fortunate that the coronavirus was very close to MERS, so we pretty much had a ready-to-go vaccine on MERS, studied for two years on MERS (and) slightly modified to be the coronavirus vaccine, and that is the real story, no politics ... Russia has always been at the forefront of vaccine research,” Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund RDIF, which is backing the vaccine, told CNBC.

Russia announced Tuesday that it had registered a coronavirus vaccine, making it the first country to do so. There are doubts over its efficacy and safety, however, and larger-scale Phase 3 clinical trials have not yet taken place. Furthermore, no data has been published yet from earlier clinical trials that were carried out in less than two months. —Holly Ellyatt




“我們很幸運,冠狀病毒非常接近MERS,所以我們幾乎已經在MERS上準備了現成的疫苗,在MERS上研究了兩年(並且經過了輕微修飾,成為冠狀病毒疫苗,這就是真實的故事,沒有政治……俄羅斯一直以來都是疫苗研究的最前沿,”支持疫苗的俄羅斯主權財富基金RDIF首席執行官基里爾·德米特列耶夫(Kirill Dmitriev)告訴CNBC。

俄羅斯週二宣布已註冊冠狀病毒疫苗,成為第一個這樣做的國家。然而,對其有效性和安全性存在疑問,並且尚未進行大規模的3期臨床試驗。此外,在不到兩個月的時間裡,尚未進行早期臨床試驗的數據尚未公佈。 冬青Ellyatt
