2020年4月3日 星期五


疫情令好多香港人留喺屋企,出街都要同人保持距離。但係有一班不分晝夜,默默堅守崗位嘅抗疫英雄,一直為咗我哋嘅健康而努力💪。不如我哋一齊喺今晚8點,齊鼓掌為我哋嘅醫護人員致以最由衷嘅感謝同鼓勵啦!📯 📯 📯

【Calling all Hong Kong People to Clap for Heroes👏👏👏
While many of us are staying at home to upkeep social distancing, let’s not forget the unsung heroes who have been serving the community with dedication and working tirelessly to keep us safe💪. Today at 8pm, join us to clap and show our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of our city's frontline heroes.📯 📯 📯!
Date: 3 April (Today)
Time: 8pm
Let’s join together to show our support🙌!
