2020年8月12日 星期三

(Jim Cramer)說,現在該換成復甦股了


It's time to swap into more Jobs like honeywell And The DuPont


CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday advised investors that it’s time to lock in the gains from the run in the pandemic plays and get more exposure to the recovery

Cramer, who crafted the Cramer Covid-19 Index of 100 stocks he projected would benefit from the lockdown environment, signaled that he’s warming up to the economic recovery thesis as the market rebounds from the coronavirus-induced slowdown that started in the first half of the year.

“You need to stick with what I call the barbell, meaning own some recovery stocks and some Covid stocks, but I do think it’s time to lighten up on some of those Covid names and swap into more stocks that are like Honeywell and DuPont,” the “Mad Money” host said.

“Don’t be greedy with the Cramer Covid-19 index [names]. As we get closer to slowing [the pandemic], it will be time to ring the register on at least some of the stocks that do better when Covid thrives,” he continued.

The comments come after the major averages all tumbled during the trading day, a down-day that was driven by late-afternoon selling to snap a multi-day winning streak in the Dow industrials and S&P indexes. The Dow Jones slid more than 104 points, or 0.4%, to finish at 27,686.91. The S&P 500 dropped 0.8% to 3,333.69 and the Nasdaq Composite fell for the third-straight session 1.7% to 10,782.82.

Cramer characterized the day as the third in a rotation from the fastest-growing pandemic winners into the laggards. The top pandemic plays were largely in the technology space, especially stocks of companies that benefited from the work-from-home environment, such as Zoom Video, Big Tech and cybersecurity investments.

“Now, though, there are plenty of signs that we’re leaving the trough, at least for the publicly traded companies that have been stuck there — the recovery plays,” Cramer said. “I suspect the cyclicals, industrials and banks could lead us from here, not the Covid stocks, although that doesn’t mean they’ll get destroyed.”

Cramer pointed out, however, that the market is not representative of the broader economy, which continues to be challenged by a double-digit unemployment rate, looming rent crisis and ongoing uncertainty in containing the spread of the deadly Covid-19 disease. Still, there are signs that the worst could be behind the market.

“If you think we’ll be in the clear six months from now, then you have to swap into the recovery stocks now, because if you wait for the” all-clear signal, “I promise you you’ll be too late,” the host said.


CNBC的吉姆·克萊默Jim Cramer)週二建議投資者,現在是時候鎖定大流行病爆發中的收益,並使更多的人承擔復甦的風險

Cramer製作了他預計的100隻股票Cramer Covid-19指數,他將從鎖定環境中受益。他表示,隨著市場從上半年由冠狀病毒引起的放緩中反彈,他正在為經濟復甦的觀點做好準備。年。

“您需要堅持我所說的槓鈴,意味著擁有一些恢復股票和一些Covid股票,但我確實認為是時候減輕一些Covid的名稱,並換成像HoneywellDuPont這樣的更多股票了,” “ 瘋狂的錢 ”主持人說。

“不要對Cramer Covid-19指數[名稱]感到貪婪。隨著我們逐漸接近[大流行]的速度,現在是時候至少對那些在Covid蓬勃發展時表現更好的股票進行登記了, “ 他繼續。


克雷默(Cramer)將這一天列為第三天,從增長最快的大流行疾病獲勝者到落後者。流行病的流行主要集中在技術領域,尤其是受益於在家工作環境的公司股票,例如Zoom Video,Big Tech和網絡安全投資。

克萊默說:“儘管如此,至少有一些跡象表明我們即將走出低谷,至少對於那些陷入困境的上市公司而言-復甦勢在必行。” 他說:“我懷疑週期性因素,工業和銀行可能會引領我們,而不是Covid股票,儘管這並不意味著它們將被摧毀。”



