2020年11月4日 星期三

Cramer’s takeaways from Election Day trade: ‘A bizarrely bullish session’


Key Points
  • “We ended up with a bizarrely bullish session where both the Biden stocks and the Trump stocks rallied,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said.
  • “I know everybody’s worked up about this election, but today the stock market said, ‘Don’t worry, be happy,’” the “Mad Money” host said.
  • He advised investors to “be prepared to do some buying” on any presidential count delays that disturb the market.
  • 關鍵點
    • CNBC的吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer)表示:“最終,我們出現了一次奇異的看漲交易,拜登(Biden)股票和特朗普(Trump)股票均上漲。”
    • “瘋狂的錢”主持人說:“我知道每個人都對這次選舉感到滿意,但是今天股票市場說,‘別擔心,要開心’。”
    • 他建議投資者,在任何影響市場的總統延誤方面“準備做一些購買”。
  •  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbi6LEojd1g


    Voters lined up at polls across the nation for Election Day, investors traded stocks higher and CNBC’s Jim Cramer was left surprised about the returns made on the session Tuesday.

    ″[Many worried] the election [would] freak people out, but the opposite happened,” the “Mad Money” host said. “We ended up with a bizarrely bullish session where both the Biden stocks and the Trump stocks rallied.”

    Stocks have headed higher for two consecutive days after Wall Street saw its worst week of trading since March, when the longest bull market in recorded history plunged into its fastest bear market in recent memory. Last week’s turbulent trading brought the major averages down for the second straight month.

    The Dow ended Tuesday’s session at 26,925.05, up about 423 points, or 0.6%, from Monday. The S&P 500 made the highest gains, moving 1.2% to 3,310.24. The Nasdaq Composite moved 0.4% higher to 10,957.61.

    Just about 50 of the 500 large-cap components on the S&P 500 slipped during the session, while Arista Networks, Apartment Investment and Management and Gartner were the biggest gainers on the day, rising double digits at the close.

    UnitedHealth Group, Goldman Sachs and Home Depot were the biggest point gainers on the 30-stock Dow, a price-weighted index. Amgen, Johnson & Johnson and Chevron were the only three Dow components to fall, according to FactSet.

    Cramer’s Tuesday takeaways:


選民們在選舉日前在全國范圍內進行投票,投資者交易了更高的股票,而CNBC的吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer)對周二交易時段的回報感到驚訝。

“ [許多人擔心]選舉將使人們嚇壞了,但情況卻相反,”“瘋狂的錢”主持人說。“我們結束了一個奇異的看漲會議,拜登的股票和特朗普的股票都上漲了。”



盤中,標準普爾500指數成份股中的500種大盤股中只有約50種下跌,而Arista NetworksApartment Investment and ManagementGartner則是當日漲幅最大的股票,收盤時上漲了兩位數。

在價格指數30只道瓊斯指數中,聯合健康集團UnitedHealth Group)高盛(Goldman Sachs)家得寶Home Depot)漲幅最大。FactSet的數據顯示,安進(Amgen)強生Johnson&Johnson)雪佛龍(Chevron)是僅有的三個道瓊斯指數成份股下跌。
